The beginning


2 min read

The beginning

I opened this blog a few weeks ago as I noticed a couple of twitter accounts i followed attached "hashnode" blog to their profile and I had to check the blog out.

I've had no prior writing experience and I've no idea what to write about, "I don't see the need to as there are lots of resources on google to check out" - I said to myself; but after my experience trying to increase the allocated disk space on my Virtual box, I see the need for a well explained and an up-to-date resources to help newbies like me just getting started into programming.

Brief Introduction

Muhammad is a Veterinary medical student and a self taught Web developer, a Cloud Engineer and a Software Engineer (soon ๐Ÿ˜‰). I'm a Web 3 enthusiast and would be hoping to transition at a point in my new found career.

I started my Web development journey using The odin project as my guide. The experience has been wonderful, Odin has lots of "pointer" resources and would get you started in the right direction. I would be sharing my journey at Odin here amongst other things (my experience with AWS cloud, Programming) .

I'm enrolled in Udacity Cloud Developer Nano-Degree programme and looking forward to graduating in a few month

I also got accepted into ALX 1 year software engineering program and I'm excited for what's the come. ALX promises to train you in the basics of computer programming while also allowing you the chance to be a frontend or a backend engineer, having to "match designs ๐Ÿ˜•" over the course of my months in Odin, I would say I'm more interested in the backend part , I would update you "just as the thing go" ๐Ÿ˜.


Documentation is important in programming and having an easy-to-follow guide can't be stressed enough. In my next article, I would be guiding you through the steps to follow to increase your Virtual Machine (Oracle virtual box) hard disk from the host machine, let say you you dynamically allocated 10GB and you're now running out of space ๐Ÿ˜‰.

See ya!
